sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2018

Mammon, Lord of Minauros

Ohhhh! Shiny!

Expanded Spell list:

Spell LevelSpells
1stFog Cloud, Entangle
2ndHeat Metal, Melf's Acid Arrow
3rdTongues, Stinking Cloud
4thPolymorph, Greater Invisibility
5thCloudkill, Animate objects

Pact features:

Devil's Tongue
Starting at level 1, when entering into negotiations about material wealth, add double your proficiency modifier to intimidation, deception, or persuasion rolls. In addition, you gain proficiency in these skills if you didn't have proficiency in them already. 

Starting at level 6th you automatically know the value of any piece of material, non magical wealth just by looking at it. Furthermore, you can know what value of wealth any creature has on his person by looking at him, even if you cant actually see the gold, gems, etc that the creature is wearing. Furthermore, if a humanoid has over 1,000 GP of wealth on his or her person while you attack them, you gain advantage on attack rolls against them. If an humanoid has less than 5 GP of wealth on them, you take disadvantage on attacks against them. 

Great Temptation 
Starting at level 10, you can cast Mass suggestion as a 6th level spell once per day.

Midas Touch
Starting at level 14, you can cast "flesh to stone" once every long rest. The spell functions identically to flesh to stone, except that the target is turned to solid gold instead of stone. This golden statue can be sold to (very, very wealthy) merchants at a price determined by the DM.
If you ever use this class in a game, please post a link to the game in this thread or send me a pm telling me how this class performed. Any tips you can offer are helpful!

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